Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

2013/07/25: Halifax

The bulletin in the hostel's lavatory provides tips for "Things to Do on A Rainy Day", from #1 "Take a brewery tour" to #12 "Extend your stay and sleep in". I decided to take #13: "Come on! It's only water! Go jogging on the waterfront!". Of course it's been wet, but it's a nice way to start a holiday and it frees your head. In the early morning the waterfront is still quite quiet, almost empty ferries are searching their way through the fog. After 5 kilomers of jogging it took me another 2 kilometers inside the megastore to find cornflakes and milk... F* sh*, how expensive everything is in here! These will be my food prices for the next five months. I should immediately start a diet... Somehow I like Halifax, although the weather in Germany was much better... The skyline of Halifax is a miniature-copy-and-paste of Montreal, the waterfront reminds me a bit of Fisherman's Wharf (combined with the rain of Hamburg...). I'm surprised that the downtown is so small that you can easily walk from one end to the other (at least without the baggage on my shoulders...). On our walk from the airport bus station to the hostel yesterday night we already noticed why this province is called "Nova Scotia". Some houses, bars and streets really look like Edinburgh. But some buildings and all prices are higher.

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